Clone Yourself - How to Get More Done Through Your Staff and Contractors

Teach your staff to ask themselves these 6 questions and before you know it you’ll have the job done as well as you could have done it yourself

  1. What is the purpose of this task?
  2. Who do we want to action it?
  3. What action do we want them to take?
  4. Does it achieve that?
  5. What can you automate/streamline/reduce to make it quicker/easier/higher quality next time?
  6. What’s the bigger picture? How does it fit with everything else we do? Is it still relevant?

"after all - who wants to stay back doing re-work?"

Got a team or organisation to lead in a busy environment? Need to succeed and proceed and still have plenty left at day’s end? 

Get in Touch:
0438 545 607