
Crazy busy?

What if you could spend 30 minutes to get back four hours a week?

Crazy busy?

Not only do you have all your own work, but you’ve got to spend a lot of time managing staff.

You know that’s not really going to change by itself, right?

Would you like to get back some of your time?

What if you could spend 30 minutes to get back four hours a week?

That’s what happens when you start delegating more to your team…and spend less time following up.

It’s an instant win.


Book a staff autonomy audit with me.

In it we’ll work out:

  • who you can rely on to work more independently

  • who you may need to develop further.

  • how to get everyone taking the initiative and doing their own quality checks

  • what you need to do to create the team you've always wanted.

It’s free…if you qualify.

Not everyone does qualify.  For a start, you have to be a leader.
Secondly, you have to want to implement some changes.

(and you won't need a credit card with this link)

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Cris has appeared on/in/at:

Channel 10; ABC, Sydney Morning Herald; 3AW; Anthill Magazine; BRW, Progress Leader; Weight Watchers Magazine; Australian Natural Health; Women’s Health; Melbourne Times; LinkedIn; Mix 106.5 Sydney; 3RRR;  96.5v Inner FM; the Age; Herald-Sun; The Mind and its Potential; Happiness and Its Causes; Hargraves Innovation; and Sustainability conferences.